Price Determines Customer Loyalty in Ride-Hailing Services

The following is an article that was published in the American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), Volume 4- Issue 3 (March 2020) — please see number 57). It is an international, blind peer-reviewed, open access online journal. Please see the following link to access full article (click here).


Price Determines Customer Loyalty in Ride-Hailing Services.”

Syafiq Basri Assegaff and Stanley Oktavianus Pranoto.

ride-hailing in Indonesia: Gojek and Grab.

ABSTRACT: Not long after Uber left the business in Indonesia in 2018, increasing numbers of ride-hailing users in Indonesia have been dominated by Gojek and Grab, with more than 100 million users downloaded each of their applications. We don’t know how the recent Covid-19 pandemic — when governments urged people to work from home and applying social distancing — will affect ride-hailing businesses, but this research aims to find out which dominant factors influence customer loyalty in ride-hailing service in Surabaya, Indonesia. Data have been collected using questionnaires from 400 participants in Surabaya by simple random sampling which then processed using SPSS 25.00. This research applies models of service quality, service benefit, price, corporate image, system quality, consumer (or customer) satisfaction, and consumer loyalty, which are important for the companies to be competitive. Results show that, compared to other four factors, price becomes the most dominant factor that influences customer loyalty. It is hoped that results of this study will give further insight into the ride-hailing services particularly in filling the gap of the relationship between these variables and customer loyalty, as much as they can be useful for business communities to ponder about the importance of customer loyalty in determining better business performance. To enrich the findings, further study can be developed using the above variables to investigate longer users in various other cities.

KEYWORDS: customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, price, public transportation, ride-hailing.

For complete article, please download this link:

Assegaff, Pranoto – Price and Customer Loyalty in Ride Hailing Services – AJHSSR

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A Note to Terrorists in Ramadhan

A Note to Terrorists: When Fasting, Do You Remember Islam Says to Harm No One?

My daughter recently asked me: Do terrorists fast, Dad? Did the Sept. 11 suicide bombers fast?  I didn’t know what to say, but the 16-year-old went on: “And what would that fasting mean, when they kill innocent citizens without any justified reason, whereas Muslims all over the world understand that they must not harm anyone?

Fair enough, I think. Even outside the fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims are taught to be always sensitive, tolerant and forgiving, and to never harm an innocent being, let alone a human being. Islam teaches us that even when we slaughter an animal, we should minimize the suffering. For example, an animal should be given water prior to its slaughter and it should be done swiftly with a very sharp knife.

This (my) article has been published in the Jakarta Globe newspaper last August 2010. With a little retouch and pictures, I am publishing it again this Ramadhan.  Oh by the way, I can assure you that it is still relevant.
Meski sudah lama, kolom opini saya (dalam bahasa Inggris) yang dimuat di Jakarta Globe ini masih relevan untuk dibaca kapan pun, khususnya pada bulan suci Ramadhan ini. Saya memuatnya kembali, dengan sedikit sentuhan dan tambahan beberapa gambar.

But the terrorists might have a different understanding, based on their interpretation of the word “jihad” — which lately has been rendered into a scary term. We remember the terror of 9/11. US foreign policy in Muslim countries did not justify the loss of lives in the attack. This is not what Islam teaches.


Bom-bunuh-diri di gereja Surabaya
Terror in Surabaya on 13 May 2018, just two days prior to fasting month of Ramadhan (read the news here)

Consider the wartime instructions of the Prophet Muhammad: He clearly forbade the killing of children, the elderly, women and all noncombatants or civilians. Those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center towers and in the planes were all civilians, some of them Muslims.  Continue reading A Note to Terrorists in Ramadhan

Hart Kultuskan Nabi saw?

Lukisan tentang kelahiran Nabi Muhammad saw (image via Wikipedia)
Memasuki bulan Rabiul Awwal ini, baiklah kita unggah kembali beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan dengan Maulid Nabi SAW. Tulisan yang pernah ditayangkan di sini lima tahun lalu ini adalah satu di antaranya:

Tragedi WTC Dorong Islam Berkembang Pesat

SURABAYA, — Dosen Universitas Paramadina Jakarta, Syafiq Assegaf, menegaskan bahwa tragedi serangan menara kembar WTC di AS pada 11 September 2001 justru mendorong Islam berkembang pesat di seantero dunia.

Kompas.Com; Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 | 22:24 WIB

“Tragedi WTC justru membuat orang penasaran sehingga banyak orang yang mulai mencari Al Quran dan mempelajari Islam,” katanya dalam peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW yang digelar Yayasan At-Tathir di Graha Indrapura, Surabaya, Jumat.

Dalam acara yang juga dihadiri para habaib/ulama di Surabaya dan pembicara lain Dr Umar Shihab (Jakarta) itu, dia menjelaskan bahwa perkembangan pesat Islam itu terlihat di Amerika dan sejumlah negara di Eropa.

“Di Amerika sekarang, setiap tahun ada sekitar 20.000 orang yang masuk Islam, sedangkan di Eropa juga sama. Awalnya, mereka penasaran dengan Islam yang dikait-kaitkan dengan terorisme, tapi akhirnya justru tertarik dengan Islam,” katanya.

Continue reading Hart Kultuskan Nabi saw?

Perubahan ala Jokowi dan Dahlan Iskan

Keberhasilan membawa perubahan dapat dilakukan bahkan hanya melalui hal-hal kecil, dan oleh sedikit orang. Dahlan Iskan dan Jokowi dua contohnya. Mereka seolah ‘mendobrak’ . Berbagai pemikiran (ide), produk dan pesan dapat menyebar lewat ‘getok tular’ (alias word of mouth)  — yang dapat mewabah — dan sekarang ditunjukkan oleh ‘trending topic’ di Twitter.

Belakangan ini nama Dahlan Iskan dan Joko Widodo kian populer. Keduanya dikenal sebagai orang-orang yang membawa perubahan segar di Indonesia.

Dahlan Iskan mulai naik daun saat memimpin PLN. Belakangan, pada 19 Oktober 2011 lalu, bos grup media Jawa Pos itu diangkat sebagai Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara, menggantikan Mustafa Abubakar yang sedang sakit.

Artikel ini aslinya berjudul, “Dahlan Iskan dan Jokowi”. Oleh: Syafiq Basri Assegaff
Pertama kali ditayangkan pada media online “Inilah.Com”, Kamis 1 Maret 2012.

Saat pertama memimpin Jawa Pos di Surabaya, 1982, bisnis koran itu sedang kembang-kempis. Tirasnya hanya 6.000 ekslempar. Dalam lima tahun, Dahlan berhasil mendongkrak oplahnya menjadi 300.000 eksemplar.

Continue reading Perubahan ala Jokowi dan Dahlan Iskan